P for Performance presents: a Draaf Seminar by Bernd Krauss

Monday 15.06.09/ 18:00 – 19:30

Location: meeting point at Wester Paviljoen, Nieuwe Binnenweg 136, Rotterdam.

Reservations to: HYPERLINK "mailto:pforperformance@gmail.com" pforperformance@gmail.com.

15thJune Draaf Seminar (V65 Romme/Sweden)_ _by Bernd Krauß

Introduction & Play

The Swedish horse industry is mainly based on trot and, with its fifty tracks around the country, is one of the leading nations in this sport. Besides this importance, it has developed an unique culture around the sport, involving a huge number of the country’s inhabitants through watching and betting. Each day of the week races are held at lunch time (V4) and in the evening (V65). They attract around 500 000 or more Euros in betting. On Saturdays (V75) up to 75 00 000 are being bet and a single winner of this system-bet could win millions.

This very successful betting system attracts participants from around the world. They participate through traditional means (betting shops) and modern technology (internet). This international success is partially based on the critical circumstances former trot nations, such as Germany, can no longer provide enough money through betting to make horse breeding, training, and racing an attractive proposition. So, not only the spectators, but even horses and their owners/trainers are shifting their activities to the north where they find enough resources that can provide their income.

After a short introduction, at Western Pavljoen, I will go over the betting techniques, explaining the basic informations for online and on track gambling. Then we will visit the betting place around the corner. Please bring a pen and the money you want to spend. Please be prepared to loose some and estimate the amount you can afford.

(Advisory: If you have financial constraints, we suggest you not to participate at this event. Betting can potentially become an addiction and the Swedish horsing system only provides a help line service in Swedish)

HYPERLINK "http://www.berndkrauss.blogspot.com" www.berndkrauss.blogspot.com

P for Performance is part of an ongoing project by Maja Bekan, entitled Secret Powers for Identity, Security and Self-respect in Troubling Times.

The aim of these performance events is to try to critically engage with the investigation of the artist’s role as a producer and advertiser.


Maja Bekan

062 8266857
